Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hair O' the Dog Event is Downtown Raleigh Saturday 1-7pm

I hope to see some of you at 101 Lounge + Cafe on Saturday in Downtown Raleigh. I will be there at 1:30, the therapy dog group we belong to is going. I am trying to talk my husband into going as well so we can bring both of our girls out, they do love outings. If it's raining I won't go though as our Maltese don't do well in the rain since they are in long coats and I don't think it will be much fun without them there since it's a dog event!! A percentage of the proceeds benefits the Wake County SPCA.

This week has been crazy for pet sitting, busy, busy..... I am going to hire 2 more employees within the next few weeks to help out as summer is coming and Erin & I can't handle all of our clients pet sitting needs. After we get thru Spring Break week and Easter Weekend, we are going to be exhausted and ready for some relief.

Mike & I have scheduled our annual Carolina Beach vacation for Saturday 6/6 - Saturday 6/13. We love getting away for a week and relaxing on the beach with "our girls" AKA our Maltese dogs. As long as we have internet we can work while we are away. Erin will handle my business and any new client consults that may come up, she is definitely my right hand in this business, I am so glad to have her working with me.

I met a great contact this week, Amanda with Sitter Connection she and I met for coffee just a while ago and we have been exchanging emails this week. She has been very helpful and has referred a few of her babysitters that work for her to me to work as pet sitters. I have 3 good candidates I will be interviewing next week. We discussed marketing and advertisting our websites and where we post fliers, and postcards, that is how she found me, a flier I had around Five Points. I look foward to networking with her and her many clients for any pet sitting needs they may have as she doesn't offer that service.

I hope you all have a great weekend and stay dry, looks like more rain is headed our way, fun stuff, we can't complain about being in a drought anymore that's for sure.

Cindy Golden of
Cindy's Pet Sitting Services
Keeping Pets HAPPY at Home!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race = 3 Dogs Die in Alaska

I am upset about this, I am sure you have read or heard the story on the new, if not read it here
Fox News

It is so sad there were racing in -50 F, how can this be prevented? It just seems cruel to me, I can't imagine holding my dog watching it die from hypothermia, how horrible! I'm really not sure I understand the purpose of this race in the first place.

I know the Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes are working dogs and love cold weather and racing but for dogs to be dying along the way, something is wrong here. I think vets should be on call and be at the check points where the dogs will be evaluated out to be sure they can continue the race.

What do you think???

Today is the 1st Day of Spring and signs of warm weather are flowers are blooming, trees are filling up with beautiful leaves, birds are happily chirping and business is picking up for vacationing pet sitting clients here in Raleigh, NC - YAY!!!

I plan to hire again next month, as we are getting busy and I need to add another person to my pet sitting team.

Enjoy the weekend everyone and remember a walked dog is a HAPPY dog, take time to give your dog and yourself exercise, you will love the quality time spent with your pet and they will love you for it!!

Cindy Golden of
Cindy's Pet Sitting Services

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Reasons to Use a Pet Sitter

It was an unfortunate event that killed Martha Stewart's dog and 15 others at the kennel it was being boarded at, if you haven't read the story read it on MSNBC.

There are MANY reasons to use a local pet sitter, who would have thought that would be another one. Use a Raleigh, NC Pet Sitter and Keep Them Happy at Home!!

Erin & I service a large part of Downtown Raleigh, Five Points, Hayes Barton, Bloomsbury, Fallon Park, Historic Oakwood, Mordecai, Village at Pilot Mill, Boylan Heights, Cameron Village Area, North Hills Area, Drewry Hills, Anderson Dr, St Mary's, etc......

It is cheaper to use a pet sitter than a kennel when you have more than 1 animal anyway, if more people would use a pet sitter there would be happier pets and people in the world, that's just my opinion though :-)

On to brighter news, Mike & I and "the girls" had a great time at Chimney Rock this past weekend, it was wonderful weather and just a beautiful day to explore the area. Lake Lure, NC is just gorgeous, we really enjoyed our trip, it was a much needed get-away!
On the rocks at the River
Lake Lure is GORGEOUS!
At the Top of Chimney Rock
An Overlook of Lake Lure at Chimney Rock

The girls were exhausted after all the walking, they did great though and had a good time, they love taking road trips with us and we enjoy having with us, it's great quality time for us and them, we need more of that!!!
Have a great rest of the week and weekend, it's going to be rainy, YAY!
Cindy of

Friday, March 6, 2009

Beautiful Weekend in Raleigh, NC

My husband, Mike and I have decided to take advantage of the wonderful weather this weekend. I am actually free with no pet sitting jobs, thanks to Erin taking another one for me giving her 4 this weekend so we are taking a road trip with "the girls" (our Maltese) going to Lake Lure - I found a great Pet friendly place online we are looking foward to our trip and going to Chimey Rock Park to see the waterfall, it's one of my favorite things in the world, I just love them!! I will post some pics next week.

Please mark your Calendars for Hair O the Dog - another event benefiting the SPCA - sounds like fun and I hope to make it out there on Saturday 3/28. The therapy group I belong to is going, I am going to bring Joy if I do go, she is not therapy certified as she is a little spastic but she is a ton of fun and loves people.

Have a fun, safe and sun-filled weekend everyone!
Cindy of
Cindy's Pet Sitting Services

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Want a Custom Collar or Leash for your furkids??

One of my clients and her girlfriend are now making them and I told her I would share the link with pet lovers - Magnum and Higgins are my English Pointer clients and yes, they are named after Magnum PI show!

So if you have clients looking for something custom they can do it, they are also setting up at Bark Around the Park at 4/18, so those attending will see them there. I will be at the SPCA Dog Walk that same day, please Sponsor Erin & I for any amount just $10 helps to save a life - or better yet sign up to WALK with us, I have formed a team, just click the link Join Team above the list of team members names. I am also setting up a vendor table and giving away large calendars with all sorts of dog breeds as well as imprinted cups, doggie treats, Pet Poison Helpline static clings (which is a great thing to have) and other things, come out and see Erin & I!!

Enjoy the forthcoming snow everyone, I am ready for SPRING myself!

Have a great week,
Cindy of
Cindy's Pet Sitting Services